Evaluation the effect of water stress and selenium application on stress susceptibility indies of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars in Markazi
Abstract: (5687 Views) |
In order to evaluate the effects of water stress and selenium application on stress susceptibility indices of maize cultivars in Markazi province, a field study was carried out based on a randomized complete block design arranged as a split-split plot with three replications at Arak Payam Noor University in 2009. Water stress at three levels of Control irrigation, Irrigation about 60 and 80% plant requirement water were assigned in the main plots, maize cultivars at three levels of V1= S.C 500, V2= S.C 520, V3= S.C 700 were put in sub plots and foliar treatment of selenium in two levels of Se0=Control, Se1=20 g ha-1 were assigned in sub-sub plots. Characteristics such as plant height, number of ear plant-1, Stem diameter, number of green leaf, total biomass, stress susceptibility index, tolerance, mean productivity, geometric mean productivity, stress tolerance index, yield index and yield stability index were assessed. Results indicated that the interaction effects of water stress + corn hybrids + selenium application on traits such as number of ear plant-1, stem diameter, number of green leaf, total biomass were significant. The maximum and minimum of total biomass with averages 45 and 21.67 ton ha-1 was obtained from treatments of normal irrigation + S.C 700 + without selenium application and Irrigation about 60% of plant requirement water + S.C 500 + selenium application. The S.C 700 hybrid was markedly superior performance than other cultivars in stress susceptibility index, tolerance, mean productivity, stress tolerance index, yield index and yield stability index.
Keywords: Corn, Stress tolerance index, Total biomass, Yield index |
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Received: 2014/04/8 | Accepted: 2014/06/2 | Published: 2016/01/22
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