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:: Volume 2, Issue 1 (8-2015) ::
3 2015, 2(1): 65-80 Back to browse issues page
Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid and lime sulfur on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of tomato transplanting var. Super A
Abstract:   (6006 Views)

In order to study the effect of foliar application of salicylic acid and lime sulfur on indices of tomato seedling, on three replicated, factorial arranged RCB design experiment was conducted in the green house of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources during 2015. In this study, the first factor was foliar application of salicylic acid (SA) at four levels [zero (SA1), 10-6 (SA2), 10-4 (SA3) and 10-2 molar (SA4)] and the second factor was the lime sulfur (LS) at two levels [zero (LS1) and five percent (LS2)]. The first foliar application was treated after the appearance of third real leaf (20 days after planting) and was repeated every 10 days (five times foliar application). Finally, the most important characteristics of transplants in nursery such as, number of leaves, fresh and dry weight of stem and root, number of days until the appearance of the first inflorescence, anthocyanin, total chlorophyll and carotenoids of leaves were evaluated. In a general conclusion, the highest values were related to control plants traits such as number of leaves (8.1), fresh (1.17g) and dry weight of root (0.1g), fresh (4.1g) and dry weight of stem (1.53g), total chlorophyll (475.1mg/g F.W.) and carotenoid (154.65mg/g F.W.) of leaf. In addition the control plants had more suitable characteristics to produce. But control plants had the highest number of days until the appearance of the first inflorescence (67 days). However, in this study, the interaction between lime sulfur and salicylic acid on tomato transplanting quality was not remarkable, but interactions in some traits suggest the importance of further studies in this field.

Keywords: Anthocyanin, Calcium polysulfide, Chlorophyll, Salicylic acid, Transplanting
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ecophysiology
Received: 2016/08/9 | Accepted: 2016/08/9 | Published: 2016/08/9
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Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid and lime sulfur on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of tomato transplanting var. Super A. 3 2015; 2 (1) :65-80
URL: http://arpe.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-180-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (8-2015) Back to browse issues page
تحقیقات کاربردی اکوفیزیولوژی گیاهی Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology
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