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:: Volume 7, Issue 13 (9-2023) ::
3 2023, 7(13): 123-133 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of SSM-wheat model to simulate barley growth and yield
Sadegh Mohammadi , Ali Rahemi Karizaki * , Ali Nakhzari Moghadam
Abstract:   (1035 Views)
Introduction: Barley, scientifically known as Hordeum Vulgare L. is one of the most important cereal plants. Crop modeling is one of the branches of crop and crop physiology that dates back to about 40 years ago and the development of high-powered and efficient computers has made a major contribution to the development of this field. These models usually provide management options, and can also be used to evaluate a wide range of low-cost management strategies. Plant models have proven to be useful tools for estimating crop yield, a comprehensive combination of values under physiological conditions, and for evaluating crop management options. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the SSM-Wheat model to predict barley yield with respect to dry matter production, leaf area, and leaf growth rate.
Materials and Methods: Information needed to simulate barley growth and yield from data tested on three barley cultivars (Fardan, Khorram, and Sahra) during two cropping years 2013-14 and 2014-15 as well as data tested on four barley cultivars (Fardan, Khorram, Mahor, and Sahra) were used in the years 2016-17 and 2017-18. Performance data and measured leaf area were used to evaluate the model. The meteorological data files (maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall, and solar radiation) were collected daily and defined in the model. The parameters related to soil properties were considered from the baseline data of the model itself.
Results: The values obtained from the field experiment were 537.31 and 228.81 g/m2 and 360.51 g/m2, respectively, with the maximum and minimum values for this trait in the model predicted values, respectively. Equivalent to 278.74 g and 230.02 g/m2 and 258.21 g/m2, respectively. The biological yield obtained in field experiments ranged from a minimum of 487.55 g/m2 to a maximum of 1540 g/m2 and a mean of 1092.91 g/m2. The model also calculated minimum, maximum, and mean biological yield values of 1115.05, 1267.09, and 1181.05 g/m2, respectively.
Conclusion: The results of normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) for yield parameters consisted of a grain yield of 33.99, a biological yield of 24.14, and a harvest index of 51.11, indicating no proper prediction of yield parameters other than the biological yield of barley in the condition of this study.
Keywords: Barley, Simulation, Yield, SSM-Wheat model
Full-Text [PDF 524 kb]   (180 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ecophysiology
Received: 2024/03/16 | Accepted: 2023/09/21 | Published: 2023/09/21
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Mohammadi S, Rahemi Karizaki A, Nakhzari Moghadam A. Evaluation of SSM-wheat model to simulate barley growth and yield. 3 2023; 7 (13) :123-133
URL: http://arpe.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-408-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 13 (9-2023) Back to browse issues page
تحقیقات کاربردی اکوفیزیولوژی گیاهی Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology
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