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:: Volume 7, Issue 13 (9-2023) ::
3 2023, 7(13): 23-36 Back to browse issues page
Influence of nitrogen application rate and timing on yield and some physiological growth indices of corn
Farzad Dehpouri * , Davood Barari Tari , Yousof Niknejad , Hormoz Fallah Amoli , Ebrahim Amiri
Abstract:   (1073 Views)
Introduction: The use of chemical fertilizers to increase the yield of agricultural products has been used for years. Nitrogen is one of the main and essential elements needed by cereals, including corn and its deficiency is evident due to the low stabilization power in most agricultural soils and it is often supplied as chemical fertilizer. Excessive use of this fertilizer in addition to the environmental risks that it follows Like its deficiency, it can cause growth and performance disturbances. The amount and method of using this fertilizer for each crop is different according to the type of soil in the region and the climatic conditions of the region This shows the necessity of conducting different experiments in different regions to determine the fertilizer requirement of plants Therefore, the current research was conducted in order to identify the appropriate amount and time of using nitrogen fertilizer for corn crop in Mazandaran (Qaimshahr) region.
Materials and methods: An experiment was conducted during the cropping years of 2015 and 2016 in with factorial arrangement in randomized complete block design in the farm of the deputy of the country's agricultural research institute (Qarakhil-Qaemshahr). The first factor includes four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (60, 120, 240 and 260 kg.ha-1). And the second factor included three methods of nitrogen fertilizer use (100% at the base, 50% at the base and 50% at the flowering, 25% at the base and 75% at the flowering). In this review, yield and yield components and some physiological growth indices were examined.
Results: It showed that with the results of the experiment, increasing the amount of nitrogen consumed from 60 to 240 kg/ha, the grain yield and yield components increased significantly. Among the three methods of consumption, the second method (equal division in two phases of planting and flowering) was more effective. The highest amount of physiological growth indices measured in this experiment, which indicates the photosynthetic capacity of the plant, were also observed in this treatment combination.
Conclusion: Therefore, it seems that the equal distribution of 240 kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer and its application in the two stages of planting and flowering were the best amount and method of consumption to achieve the maximum yield of corn in the experimental area.
Keywords: Leaf area index, Dry matter, Fertilizer distribution, Net absorption rate, Relative growth rate
Full-Text [PDF 610 kb]   (159 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ecophysiology
Received: 2024/03/16 | Accepted: 2023/09/21 | Published: 2023/09/21
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Dehpouri F, Barari Tari D, Niknejad Y, Fallah Amoli H, Amiri E. Influence of nitrogen application rate and timing on yield and some physiological growth indices of corn. 3 2023; 7 (13) :23-36
URL: http://arpe.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-401-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 13 (9-2023) Back to browse issues page
تحقیقات کاربردی اکوفیزیولوژی گیاهی Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology
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