Solo-potash fertilizer application and planting density effects on yield components of chickpea in rain-fed condition
Abstract: (6337 Views) |
A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of foliar application of solo-potash on yield and yield components of chickpea on different plant density in rain-fed condition in Sabzevar University Research Farm, during 2012-2013. The experiment was laid out on the basis of randomized complete block design under factorial arrangement with three replications. Factors were: foliar application of potassium (control, vegetative phase, reproductive phase and vegetative+ reproductive) and plant density (10, 20 and 30 plant.m-2 respectively). The results showed that foliar application of solo-potash on vegetative + reproductive had the maximum plant height (28.75cm), branch number (8.33 branch per plant), pod per plant (20.71), biological yield (994.44 kg.ha-1) and economic yield (488.49 kg.ha-1). Increasing plant density plant height augmented (5.12%), lateral branch number (16.55%), pod per plant (32.06%) compared to 10 plant. overall, foliar application of solo-potash on vegetative + reproductive stage and 20 plant.m-2 produced the highest economic yield (480 kg.ha-1) on rain-fed condition. |
Keywords: Chickpea, Foliar application, Potassium, Rainfed, Yield component |
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Type of Study: Research |
Ecophysiology Received: 2016/08/9 | Accepted: 2016/08/9 | Published: 2016/08/9
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