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Showing 1 results for Uptake Index

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (8-2015)

In order to evaluate the effect of Trichoderma harzianum on cadmium (Cd) absorption in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) a pot experiment was conducted in factorial arrangement based on completely randomized design with three replications. Treatments consisted of two levels of fungi inoculation (inoculated and non-inoculated) and four levels of cadmium nitrates (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg/L). Results showed that at the level of 150 mg/L cadmium nitrate, the presence of Trichoderma reduced the transfer coefficient and the accumulation of Cd in shoot (30 and 23%, respectively) compared to the control treatment. In the control treatment, increasing cd in soil up to 100 mg/L decreased translocation factor from 1.29 to 0.52 and increased the transfer factor. However in the presence of Trichoderma with increases of Cd concentration, the transfer factor showed decreasing trend. In conclusion, it seems that Trichoderma inoculation in medium and high concentration of cd can accumulate Cd in roots. Therefore, it decreases its transportation to areal parts of wheat.

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تحقیقات کاربردی اکوفیزیولوژی گیاهی Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology
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