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Showing 2 results for Organic Fertilizer

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Volume 1, Issue 4 (1-2015)

Because of the problems that arising from the use of conventional agricultural systems, demanding of organic farming has increased. To study the effects of organic and biological fertilizers on yield, yield components and essential oil of cumin herb, an experiment arranged based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Zabol University at 2013-2014. The experimental treatments included 1-Pseudomonas bacteria (Pseudomonas putida) 2-Azotobacter bacteria (Azotobacter chroococcum) 3-compost 4-vermicompost 5-combination of Pseudomonas and Azotobacter 6-Pseudomonas and compost mix 7- combination of Pseudomonas and vermicompost 8-combination of Azotobacter and compost 9-combination of Azotobacter and vermicompost 10-combination of compost and vermicompost 11-control (no fertilizer treatments) respectively. The results showed that plant height, number of umbels per plant and number of seeds per umbel was increased significantly under organic and biological fertilizers application. The combined application of compost and vermicompost increased 21.9, 27.59 percent seed yield, biological yield compared to the control, respectively. Using of organic and biological fertilizers decreased oil percentage of essential oil so that the non-application of fertilizer (control) showed the highest percentage of oil. 1000-grain weight and harvest index were not affected by the use of organic and biologic fertilizers so, regarding to the results of this study combined nutrition of biological and organic fertilizers, especially combined use of compost and vermicompost to increase performance and maintain long-term production without pollution is better in similar circumstances.

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (8-2015)

Use of saline water in agriculture is necessary because of limited fresh water resources. The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of water quality and organic and chemical fertilizers on content nutrients, ash in seed and chlorophyll index of borage. The experimental design was a split plot with two irrigation sources: irrigation with fresh and saline well-water comprising the main-plots, and four fertilization systems: application of NPK at 80:40:30 kg ha-1, 40000 kg ha-1 of manure, NPK at 40:20:15 kg ha-1 plus 20000 kg ha-1 of manure and no soil fertility as sub-plots that were applied with three replications. The experiment was conducted in 2012 growing season at the Research Farm in Zabol University, Iran. Salt irrigation water significantly increased concentration of ash, chlorine and sodium in seeds. The low quality of irrigation water reduced nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium in seeds. Application of fertilization significantly increased all studied traits compared with the control except magnesium. Combinations of organic and inorganic fertilizer were more effective from sole application. Interaction of water quality with different systems of fertilization was significant on the concentrations of sodium, chloride, calcium and chlorophyll index; therefore the combination of organic and chemical fertilizer not only reduced. The concentration of elements that create salt damage (sodium and chloride), but also improved the absorption of macronutrients.

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تحقیقات کاربردی اکوفیزیولوژی گیاهی Applied Research of Plant Ecophysiology
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